The Administrative Law department of GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors assists in preventive and litigious matters for gubernamental corporations and individuals.
Among other actions, we outline the following:
- Patrimonial complaints against the Administration
- Administrative appealings
- Public servants writings
- Traffic fines contestation
- Expropriation procedures
Banking and Financial Law
The variety and complexity of the financial instruments has been multiplied exponentially in the last years imposing a huge unbalance between credit entities and consumers. GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors counts with specialised professionals on defending our clients interests in the banking sector through determining the course to get the satisfaction on this discipline.
Our services include:
- Representation and defense before the Spanish Central Bank and the National Commission of the Stock Market (CNMV).
- Claims against aggressive banking products.
- Mifid rules breaking.
- Ground clauses and abusive clauses of the mortgage.
- Arbitration and Mediation
Civil Law
The Civil Law department assists in legal issues at the highest level extrajudicial or in the litigation procedures.
At GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisorswe are concern that the Civil Law is deeply rooted to our diary lives due to its transversal effects in the personal relations. That is why we count with an specialised team in this discipline.
Our specialties comprehend:
- Separations, divorces, nullities, matrimonial capitulations, affiliation, paternity
- Successions, inheritances, and legacies
- Incapacities
- Debts claiming
- Insurances
- Real Estate rights
- Urban and rustic rentals
- Building law
- Horizontal properties and land management
- Validity, interpretation, and execution of the contracts
- Civil liability
- Honour, intimacy, and own image rights
- Contract breaching
- Damages claiming
- Evictions
- Traffic accidents
- Aerial and transport compensations
At GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors we manage lands and administrate neighbourhood communities.
We use all the tools to guarantee a fluid communication between your community and our Firm. Our services include a wide range of matters, also in collaboration with architects, economy or energy efficiency experts, and any other necessary to obtain highest profitability at lowest cost.
Immigration Law
The foreigner condition has an important legal and social repercussion within the Spanish State. GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors face this problematic situation offering advising for immigrants in regular or irregular circumstances focused on defending its rights.
We carry out the following bureaucracy:
- Residence Permit
- Work Permit
- Familiar Reunification
- Visa
- Regularization by social or labour support
- Administrative appealings
Sports Law
GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors provides comprehensive and multidisciplinary services to athletes, associations, referees, and federations related with all sports fields.
Our team have a deep sectoral knowledge with participation in transcendental issues in this discipline.
The advice includes, from contractual aspects of the labour relations, tax and fiscal assistance, statutory matters, to defense before whatever administrative or judicial organism.
GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors offers the following services:
- Defense and representation before administrative and judicial organisms.
- Sports contracts
- Fiscal and tax advice for athletes, referees, and sport entities
- Constitución y desarrollo de instituciones y asociaciones deportivas
- Agents and managers
- Own image and brand property rights
- Patronage and sponsorships
Fiscal Law
The Fiscal Department at GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors offers specific assistance to Spanish and foreign companies as well as individuals on national and international taxation.
Our team counts with a solid legal and economic background which allows an excellent advising in terms of customer service with a proactive perspective focused on solving problems. Our mission is to satisfy the most demanding customers by providing the assistance they require.
At GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors we are concern on the importance of a good fiscal planification to get the best results, that is why our professionals analyse your needs thoroughly, the different strategies available, and its fiscal impact, just to present the wider range of benefits and advantages.
This assistance comprehend:
- Companies taxation
- Freelance taxation
- Real Estate taxation
- Corporate Income Tax
- Personal Income Tax
- VAT Tax
- Wealth Tax
- Assistance and defense before Tax Agency inspection
- Accounting revisión
- Writing and presentation of the mandatory books
- Externalization of the Fiscal department
Labor Law
At GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors we keep up to date in Labour Law modifications such us the carried out on the pensions system or dismissal effects. GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors provides efficient advising on all labour matters ensuring that your questions will be solved quickly.
Our target is the strategical labour assistance, obtaining the most beneficial application of the law in the ordinary management of the company.
Our advice encompass:
- Labour contracting
- Exclusivity, non-competition, and confidentiality clauses
- Dismissals and fines. Disciplinary regime
- Work related accidents and incapacities
- Representation and defense before the Social Security
- Arbitration and extrajudicial solving of conflicts
Corporate Law
GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors provides integral assistance in all the stages of a company´s life with a global visión and deep knowledge of the client´s business. This assistance includes:
- Company foundation
- Company´s by-law
- Merger and acquisitions
- Shareholders General Meeting
- Impugnation of agreements and liability actions
- Corporate crimes
- Commercial contracts
- Bankruptcy and liquidation
- Concurso de acreedores y liquidación
- Cheques, drafts, and other negotiable instruments
Criminal Law
Our team at the Criminal Department assists and defends against crimes in several spheres counting with our experts in this area.
Our services include:
- Economic crimes
- Corporate crimes
- Delitos contra el patrimonio.
- Patrimonial crimes
- Crimes against Social Security and Tax Agency
Industrial & Intellectual Property Law
The Industrial & Intellectual Property Department complement the Civil and the Corporate areas. This discipline is oriented to protect and take care of the intangible values of your authorship in a global economy influenced by the increase of the Information and Communication Technologies which facilitate the dissemination and the plagiarism of contents under the anonymity. GRS Lawyers · Tax Advisors provides a team of qualified professionals with large experience to defend your interests.
Our functions include:
- Representation and defense before the Spanish Office of Patents and Brands, the Internal Market Harmonization Office, the European Patent Office, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, as well as before the Courts
- Location and registry of brands and domains
- Registry of patents and industrial designs
- Registry of intellectual property and author´s copyright.